Happy New Year! "Here's to those who wish us well, and those who don't can go to hell!"​
Happy New Year!! December was grand and nutty and extremely busy. I was of course busy caroling, one of my favorite jobs of the year. Please enjoy a little video from one of our gigs at The Bronx Zoo last month!
And of course, we're starting out 2023 with a bang. I'll be performing in Rock the Line, a new play going up at The Flea Theatre from January 11-February 4. For more information and to get tickets, click here!
Other than that, not much going on. Just editing my book and trying to get grants to bring a show to Greece and working on my dual citizenship and thinking about moving to London if my lease goes up significantly and submitting constantly and applying for a million jobs and looking for representation and trying to stay warm and doing my best to not go completely insane. You know, the usual.